Welcome to my world!

I have been told by people that I should start a blog about my new life, and when I say people I mean mostly my family. I thought this might be a good way to express whats going on in my life, and so I dont just have the baby and the dogs to talk to all day and seem like a crazy person... but my husband might beg to differ!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Difference between the city and country........

Sorry its been awhile life creeps up! 

Why there are many differences between the city and the country. Some are very obvious, but you dont know the differences until you live in both places. 

1. In the city when a stranger comes to your door you answer, and see what they want. If a stranger comes to your door they get greeted with a 12 gauge shotgun. 

2. You work in the city you probably work a 9-5 job working 40 hours a week. When you live in the country even if you have a desk job you are up with the sun and dont stop until the sun goes down. Even if its over 100 degrees outside they dont stop working in the field they keep going.
- For example when I came home at 5 Kaleb was working on our fence in 109 degree weather. 

3. when you drive down the road in the city you disrespect the other drives or pay no attention to them. In the country you wave to every single person that passes you by. 

4. When you are stuck in a traffic jam in the city you honk your horn every second you get. While in the country you get stuck behind a combine you follow them until they turn. 

5. Over all everything moves slower out in the country while life passes you by in the city. 

If you dont believe me how hot it was today look  
